Privacy Policy

Welcome to Salsa & Beer, where our mission is to provide an unforgettable dining experience infused with our passion for culinary excellence. Equally important to us is the privacy of our customers. We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect, how we use it, and the measures we take to keep your data secure.

Information Collection

At Salsa & Beer, we collect personal information to better serve you and enhance your dining experience.

Types of Personal Information Collected 

We gather a variety of personal information to enhance your experience with us. This includes personal identification details such as your name, email address, and phone number, which help us personalize your interactions with Salsa & Beer. Additionally, we collect preference information like dietary choices and special requests to better cater to your needs.

Purpose of Information Collection 

Understanding why we collect your personal information is crucial to appreciating our commitment to your privacy. We collect your personal information to efficiently manage and confirm your table bookings, keep you informed about exclusive offers, events, and updates, and understand your preferences to improve our offerings. Our goal is to ensure you have the best possible experience with us.

Methods of Information Collection 

Your information is collected through various methods designed to be convenient and secure. These methods include when you make reservations or sign up for our newsletter on our website, fill out reservation forms at the restaurant, and through direct communication with our staff, whether in person or over the phone.

Use of Information

Your personal information is essential to providing you with excellent service.

Internal Use 

We use your personal information internally to process reservations, ensuring that your bookings are accurately managed and that your dining experience meets your expectations. Additionally, your information is used for billing purposes, including sending invoices and receipts for any payments made at our restaurant.

Third-Party Sharing 

Sometimes, sharing your information with trusted third parties is necessary to enhance your experience. In some cases, we may share your information with trusted third parties, such as payment processors and marketing companies, who assist us in providing our services. Rest assured, we do not sell or rent your personal information to any third parties.

Information Security

To safeguard your data, we implement several robust security measures. Your data is encrypted during both transmission and storage, and access to your data is restricted to authorized personnel only, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

In the unlikely event of a data breach, we are prepared to act swiftly. We have established protocols to address and mitigate the situation promptly. We will notify you of any breaches that may affect your personal information.

Customer Rights

You have several rights regarding your personal information. You can access and correct your personal information at any time by contacting us. Additionally, you have the right to object to the collection and use of your information and request its deletion if you have concerns. Furthermore, you may ask us to stop processing your personal information if you believe it is not being handled appropriately.

Privacy Policy Changes

Staying informed about changes to our Privacy Policy is important. We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy as necessary. We will inform you of any changes to this policy via email or through our website. Any modifications to this policy will become effective immediately upon posting.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or complaints about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at (818) 609-8877 and other phone numbers are included in the contact section.

At Salsa & Beer, your privacy is paramount. We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and used responsibly. We encourage you to read our Privacy Policy thoroughly to understand how your data is handled. Your trust and confidence are essential to us, and we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy while providing you with exceptional service.